Christina Lynn Carter - NamUs #2684

I did some very quick research on Christina Lynn Carter. She has been missing since September 17th, 1973 when she was 3 years old. Her mother was found murdered at about that time, however it took a month to ID her mother. For this reason it was not known that Christina Lynn was missing until late October of 1973. She has not been seen since and theories on what probably happened to her aren't too satisfying.

Websleuth help: same-name research to be aware of

  • Someone named Christina Lynn Carter was issued a marriage license in Manhattan, Kansas in September of 1991

  • Someone named Christina Lynn Carter was admitted to the JC Blair Memorial Hospital according to The Daily News out of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania on June 9th, 1980; very probable to be a different person, but my thoughts are that if it is the original CLC it might not have been possible to use a different name for medical reasons.

  • Someone named Christina Lynn Carter graduated from Murphy High School in North Carolina, but the year was 1997 so thee Christina Lynn Carter would have been 24
  • Two matching names on Facebook, one of a 40-something year old with possibly blonde hair
  • Twitter tweet not referencing a missing-person case with the exact name match from 2011:


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