Beverly Sharpman news articles mentioning a "Lee Davis"

Posted by: Shane Lambert

The following newspaper articles have to do with the disappearance of Beverly Sharpman in 1947. The two articles below are from the same source and date. The first is part one of the article while the second is part two. They appeared in 1954 in the credited newspaper. 

The major points of the article:

  • The mother of Beverly Sharpman received a letter pertaining to the disappearance of her daughter; 
  • The police believed this letter may have been written by Beverly Sharpman herself; 
  • However, the letter was signed by one "Lee Davis," a mystery person.
The third article below is a hit to the name "Lee Davis" from the area. 

If you would like to read my viewpoint on this case then visit the following link: Beverly Sharpman, married and ran off? It includes a full-sized body shot of Sharpman with modern technology used to change the contrasts in the photo. In my opinion, Sharpman is wearing a ring in the photo despite her NamUS file saying she wore no jewelry.

Also, I will note that she wore her ring on her right finger. Commonly, women in North America wore wedding rings on their left finger. However, my grandmother, who was an adult in the 1940s, said that if a woman was marrying a European man then she might wear a ring on her right finger instead. It's interesting that Lee Davis said to use the foreign police to find Beverly Sharpman.

· Tue, Aug 31, 1954 – Page 1 · The Bristol Daily Courier (Bristol, Pennsylvania) ·

Beverly Sharpman</span></font></p><p><font face=
Beverly Sharpman
NamUs MP #7034 · Tue, Aug 31, 1954 – Page 2 · The Bristol Daily Courier (Bristol, Pennsylvania) ·

Lee Davis referenced in the article below

· Thu, May 21, 1953 – Page 11 · The Bristol Daily Courier (Bristol, Pennsylvania) ·


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