NamUs UP #17549 vs NamUs MP #34827 (Stephanie Hunsberger)

In this article, a comparison and contrast will be made between an Unidentified Person (UP) and a Missing Person (MP). Attempts to rule out the possibility that the UP is the MP will be made. That failing, the MP and UP may end up being one and the same person.

NamUs UP #17549

NamUs's UP #17549 is an individual with a very problematic profile. This deceased female was found in garbage bags bound with an electrical cord in Philadelphia. The individual was found on June 2nd, 1980 and her profile was uploaded to NamUs on March 7th, 2018. That's a very large gap relative to many other profiles.

She was found in a vacant house, her head was not recovered, and one or more limbs was not recovered. Although she was found on June 2nd, 1980 she was believed to had died sometime between 1978 and 1980. Her height was estimated at 68 inches (5'8") but the estimation has to be taken loosely based on her decomposed state and the absence of her head and maybe even her legs. Her age range is large, between the ages of 20 and 40 years old. The saving grace of this profile is DNA: they have a sample that is not yet processed.


When the head and limbs aren't recovered with a clearly murdered decadent it suggests that the victim's murderer made an attempt to keep the decadent's identity hidden from the authorities. In the 1970s and prior, before DNA was popular, teeth and fingerprints were a common method of identification. Whoever put the decadent in the garbage bags may have been concerned about her identity providing a link to the murderer.

Similar UP case: bones found in two bags in Philadelphia in 1979.

NamUs #34827

When the following search parameters are used, there is only one match in NamUs. 

Date last seen: January 1st, 1978 to April 1st, 1980 (I took two months off the higher date because of the decomposed state)
Age last seen: 18 to 42 (note: I used a larger range by two years in each direction relative to the decadent's information)
Sex: female
Height: 66 inches to 70 inches
State: Pennsylvania

That search criteria only brings up Stephanie Hunsberger, an individual with a very-lengthy profile at NamUs. She also lead what seems to be a high-risk lifestyle at the time, with prostitution and drugs a part of her life. Her official last-seen date is February 25th, 1978 according to NamUs but there are those that have told authorities she was alive in 1979. 

They have a completed DNA sample for Stephanie. If she is the decadent in the corded garbage bags then, once the decadent's DNA is processed, the match will likely be made.

NamUs #22939

Another potential match is NamUs #22939. She is Jennifer Prince, an individual who has been missing since November 18th, 1978. Prince's height is just one inch off of 68" and her age is in the range, She went missing in New Jersey, which is just across the state line from where the decedent was found. She is missing from a city called Brick, about 66 miles away from where the decedent was found. DNA is available in Prince's case as well.


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