New to NamUS - Margaret Holcomb (MP #42733)

By: Shane Lambert

Margaret Holcomb had the details of her missing-person's case uploaded to NamUS a couple of days ago. At the time of writing, it's my understanding that family members are trying to update or correct some of the Missing Person's (MP) details.

There's about a seven-week gap between Holcomb's last-seen time and her entry into NamUS. That is not a long time relative to a lot of other profiles. Margaret was reported missing by her sister on February 17th, 13 days after she was last seen on Tigger Loop in Conway. The day she went missing was the same day as the 2018 Super Bowl. Her sister has remarked that she may have been going to a Super Bowl party, although 10am strikes me as an odd departure time for that.

Here are her vitals:
  • 37 years old at the time of her disappearance
  • White female
  • 5"0 to 5"1
  • 130 to 145 pounds (sister estimates Margaret's weight to be much lower at time of disappearance; the correct range might be 100 to 145 pounds)
  • Red/auburn hair (sister claims hair may have been blonde at time of disappearance; see photo at the bottom of the page)
  • Hazel eyes
  • Tattoos as per the photos below
  • She used the nickname Meg as opposed to Marg or her proper name, Margaret
  • Clothing, according to a family members' Facebook post, when she was last seen: an orange hoodie and black pants
In interviewing a family member online, it appears that there is a discrepancy between NamUS and a detail according to the family member. Margaret, according to her sister, was last seen on February 4th, 2018 in Conway, South Carolina at 10am in the morning. NamUS reports a last-seen time on February 3rd which is contradicted by the family member I interviewed online. Also, the Police tweet above mentions February 4th.

NamUS says that Margaret has a "history of depression," something that a family member elaborated on. But the family member claimed that the detective checked the hospitals. In the past, when Margaret has been away for a while she has told someone where she was going.

The relative I spoke to online offered an opinion on her sister's fate, one that reflects pessimism about the chances of her being found alive. She thinks Margaret may have committed suicide. Websleuths should be aware that her comment is just an opinion and NOT verified fact in the police investigation.

One of her last Facebook posts prior to her disappearance.

However, those that follow cases involving unidentified remains should be aware of an area called Pawley's Swamp. If an Unidentified Person is ever found there she would be a major candidate for a rule-out attempt in Margaret's case based on the MP's familiarity with the area and proximity to it. Margaret's distinctive teeth may help in this case in the future, even though there is a DNA family sample.

That sample comes from the mother. That there is a sample means that if you are cross-referencing this individual's profile with Jane Does then focus on Jane Does where there is no DNA profile. The reason being: that if they have DNA profiles for a Jane Doe then the computerized systems will make the match.

Picture above shows most recent facial pic of Margaret according to sister. Blonde hair is depicted.


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