Georgia Jean Weckler -- Newspaper clippings of news of child missing since 1947

Author: Shane Lambert

Original Time of Writing: December 21st, 2020

All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.

Missing Person: Georgia Jean Weckler

Last seen or contact date: May 1st, 1947 (Thursday), missing since shortly after 3pm.

Where last seen: Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin on a dirt road near U.S. Highway 12. Family mailbox about a half-file from her home. "Route 1" is mentioned in conjunction with Georgia's disappearance.

Georgia Jean Weckler, a student at Oakland Center rural school, went missing on May 1st, 1947. She rode her bike to school but received a ride home and was dropped off at her family mailbox. The walk to her home from there was about a half-mile. The individual that dropped her off was Mrs. Carl Floerke, a neighbor, and an individual that had a child that attended the same school as Georgia.

Georgia Jean Weckler
Georgia Jean Weckler Fri, May 2, 1947 – 8 · News-Record (Neenah, Wisconsin) ·

After reading a lot of journalism on this case, Mrs. Floerke did not come off as a suspect. Importantly, Mrs. Floerke dropped Georgia off at the family mailbox, the young girl emptied the contents of the mailbox, and then she started to walk home. This was witnessed by Mrs. Floerke and her daughter. The walk was about half of a mile and would probably take an 8-year old 5-10 minutes. However, Georgia has not been seen since. 

Georgia Jean Weckler
Georgia Jean Weckler Fri, May 2, 1947 – Page 1 · Janesville Daily Gazette (Janesville, Wisconsin) ·

That the child was carrying mail may not be a trifle in this case. The child's father was treasurer of Oakland Township and the mail was thought to contain money. The child's parents were wealthy as well.

Georgia Jean Weckler
Georgia Jean Weckler Sat, May 3, 1947 – 1 · Marshfield News-Herald (Marshfield, Wisconsin) ·

There was a large search of the area. One tip for the search came from a friend of Georgia's, someone who claimed that she wanted to go into the forest to find flowers. In the early journalism after the disappearance, there were leads on vehicles that were said to be in the area.

Georgia Jean Weckler
Georgia Jean Weckler Fri, May 2, 1947 – Page 1 · Janesville Daily Gazette (Janesville, Wisconsin) ·
Georgia Jean Weckler
Georgia Jean Weckler Sat, May 3, 1947 – 1 · The Journal Times (Racine, Wisconsin) ·

As other for leads, searchers found a footprint of Georgia's. This footprint was matched to a pair of shoes of her's that she was not wearing at the time of her abduction to ensure proper size. They also found car tracks near this print, a development that started to paint a picture of abduction.

That they searched the area around her farm and did not find her suggests abduction as well. If she had injured herself in the forest or faced an animal attack, I think the intensive search would have revealed her whereabouts. This seems like a case where reasonable conjecture would suggest abduction.

Georgia Jean Weckler
Georgia Jean Weckler Sat, May 3, 1947 – 4 · News-Record (Neenah, Wisconsin) ·

There was reporting of an alleged sighting. A black car was central to the early tips in this case, one that was seen in the area of where Georgia went missing. Georgia may have been seen in this car asking to be let out. One source said the girl had something thrown over her head and may have been struck. The man driving this car was described as 25 years old, unshaven, and light-haired.

Georgia Jean Weckler
Georgia Jean Weckler Sun, May 4, 1947 – 6 · The Daily Herald (Provo, Utah) ·
Georgia Jean Weckler
Georgia Jean Weckler Mon, May 5, 1947 – 1 · The Daily Times (Davenport, Iowa) ·

The main suspect, in this case, ended up being Buford Sennett. The hideous Ed Gein was also a suspect. However, the girl has never been found.

Georgia Jean Weckler
Georgia Jean Weckler Sun, Jan 2, 1949 – 11 · Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wisconsin) ·

All guesses on this case point to a probability that Georgia Jean Weckler died at a time close to her disappearance. Finding her alive would mean that much of what was discussed in the years after her disappearance was not true.

A 'eureka' moment for those following or working on this case would be human remains of a small stature found in a river near where she disappeared. There was the suggestion that Sennett discarded her remains this way.

Finding her alive is not impossible but highly improbable. Advances in DNA and genetic family trees might produce this, especially if she lived and ended up reproducing.

NamUs # and Link: #MP5659 

Ethnicity/Race: White

Sex: Female

Age at time of disappearance: 8 years old

Hair: Brown to light brown, straight, parted in the middle, and bobbed to shoulder length

Eye color: brown

Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 4'2" to 4'4" and 65 to 75 pounds

Other: had a growth on heel

Clothing: brown flowered scarf, pink buttoned sweater (cardigan), blue t-shirt, faded blue shirt with red flowers, blue jeans, a blue cotton skirt dotted with moon-shaped figures, brown moccasin oxfords, and reddish composition soles


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