De Qian Rang -- Missing From Elora, Ontario Since 1992

Details from NamUs**

"De Qian Rang was last seen on April 20, 1992, in the Village of Elora, Ontario. At the time of her disappearance, De Qian and her husband operated the 'Abacus Restaurant', south of Elora. An extensive police investigation has failed to locate Mrs. Rang. Police suspect foul play in her disappearance."

Missing Person: De Qian Rang
Alias: Maria Rang (might be her Canadianized name as many immigrants do that)
Last-contact date: April 20th, 1992
The area where the MP was last seen: Elora, Ontario
Link to government source: MP @ Canada's Missing


Ethnicity: Asian
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 29 years old
Birthdate: Deqian Rang was born between April 21st, 1962, and April 20th, 1963 based on her reported age at the last date of reported contact.
Hair: Black, long
Eyes: Brown
Scar: None listed
Height/weight: 5'4" and 110 pounds
BMI*: Deqian Rang was in the normal range for BMI.
Tattoos: Deqian Rang did not have any tattoos associated with her profiles. If you know that the missing person did have tattoos, then please post a remark at the end of this blog post on the matter.

De Qian Rang has not been seen since April 20th, 1992 when she was 29 years old. Of the resource I consulted, the DoeNetwork page for this missing person had the best description of circumstances surrounding this disappearance. That site discussed "a stormy relationship" with her husband, "extramarital affairs," the husband not filing a report of her missing but friends having to do it instead, and the husband's arrest in 1993 followed by his acquittal in December 1994.

This individual has now been missing for about 29 years as of the original publication date of this blog post. I wasn't able to locate any newspaper coverage for this case, nor did the missing person produce a hit in Ancestry. However, those databases update from time to time. If you have access to the Elora Sentinel, then that might be where you get some hits.

The following Youtube video contains information about the case, including newspaper articles that aren't available with my memberships. The information in the video seems to be derived from the same source as the DoeNetwork description.

Author: Shane Lambert (UncoolNegated on Websleuths)
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.
Shane Lambert (UncoolNegated on Websleuths) is not a Private Investigator, however, he is currently studying to be one as of March 2021.
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*For BMI values, I use the UPPER or HIGHER ranges that are given for height and weight.
**Text might be paraphrased. If taken verbatim, then grammar or spelling errors are not necessarily corrected from original sources.
Disclaimer: To determine whether a person is missing or not, this site relies heavily on government sources. If you are described as missing when you are not, I recommend simply having your missing person report updated or removed. When that happens, updates at this site can follow.

[' Deqian Rang', 'DoeNetwork Deqian Rang', 'Deqian Rang missing person', 'what happened to Deqian Rang', 'missing Elora person', 'missing Ontario person', 'missing Elora woman', 'missing Ontario woman', 'missing Elora women', 'missing Ontario women', 'missing woman Elora', 'missing woman Ontario', 'missing from Elora', 'missing from Ontario', 'Elora missing persons', 'Ontario missing persons', 'Deqian Rang missing from Ontario', 'disappearance of Deqian Rang', 'foul play', 'missing since', 'has not been seen', 'whereabouts of', 'missing person', 'missing persons database', 'theories', 'what happened to Deqian Rang']


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