Kathy Anne Lulloff -- Missing From Ontario Since 1971

Details from Canada's Missing**
Kathy Anne Lulloff was last seen wandering off into the woods off Seabrook Lake Road in the District of Algoma.

Missing Person: Kathy Anne Lulloff
Last-contact date: July 19th, 1971
The area where the MP was last seen: Thessalon, Ontario
Link to government source: Canada's Missing


Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 15 years old
Birthdate: Kathy Anne Lulloff was born between July 20th, 1955, and July 19th, 1956 based on her reported age at the last date of reported contact.
Hair: Brown, long
Eyes: Brown
Scar: None listed
Height/weight: 5'5" and 110 pounds
BMI*: In this case, the missing person was underweight by BMI at the time of the disappearance.

Kathy Anne Lulloff has not been seen since July 19th, 1971 when she was 15 years old. She may have had the following articles when she disappeared: a black belt with a brass buckle, white shoes, a blue shirt, and denim blue pants that were bell-bottom styled. These items might be in a Jane Doe profile. If so, the details of the cases can be compared.

This individual has now been missing for about 50 years as of the original publication date of this blog post. There was some minor media coverage with this case. Apparently, Kathy had been hitchhiking at about the time of her disappearance, she had some kind of argument with the people she was traveling with, and she walked into thick forest or bush in Canada. From the article I read, I got the impression that this person may have been an American national.

Mon, Jul 26, 1971 – Page 1 · The Escanaba Daily Press (Escanaba, Michigan) · Newspapers.com

When I learned that the missing person may have been American, it confused me a little because the profile for the missing person is on a Canadian website. If she was from Flint, then it seems that she should have a NamUs profile.

I did find an American with the name of Kathryn Lulloff that lived in Wisconsin. That's a state that is not that far from Ontario. I will note that Kathy Anne Lulloff, the missing person, and Kathryn Lulloff have a very close age match. The missing person's birthdate range based on her age at the time of disappearance matches Kathryn Lulloff's birth year of 1955. But I also came to the opinion that pictures of the two were probably not a match.

When I sought to authenticate them as one and the same, I found that Kathry Lulloff had the middle initial "M." after some research while the missing person had the middle initial "A." If you go down this route like me, then be aware of that contradiction.

Wed, May 30, 1973 – 10 · Marshfield News-Herald (Marshfield, Wisconsin) · Newspapers.com

I was not able to find Kathy Anne Lulloff in Ancestry, at least not with confidence that it was a profile of the missing person. I felt that she should have been there, however, I will note some difficulty in finding this person in a timely manner based on all the derivations of Kathy (ie. Kate, Katherine, Kathryn) and Anne (ie. Ann, Annette) that are possible.

Furthermore, she was last seen near Seabrook Lake Road in Ontario. I was able to find Seabrook Lake just fine and I think that the road will be near this lake. However, I was not able to find the exact road. It seemed to be a very secluded area.

My guess with this case would simply be that after storming away from her friends after an argument, she simply may have gotten lost. If that happens and adrenaline takes over, then she could walk a long way -- in the wrong direction. A large search area was probably needed for this case but if you read the newspaper clipping from Michigan, the police described very difficult conditions.

Author: @UncoolNegated on Twitter
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.
@UncoolNegated on Twitter is not a Private Investigator, however, he is currently studying to be one as of March 2021.
Website hashtag: #MPCSL

*For BMI values, I use the UPPER or HIGHER ranges that are given for height and weight.
**Text might be paraphrased. If taken verbatim, then grammar or spelling errors are not necessarily corrected from original sources.
Disclaimer: Information posted is thought to be correct as of the time posting. If a missing person is found, then this article might stay posted until that is noticed. I try to stay on top of the news but it's not possible to follow all cases. Articles will be edited or deleted when credible news of the missing person is authenticated.


  1. Kathy Luloff is from Manitowoc, Wisconsin. I went to school with her and she went missing after our Freshman year.


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