Ann Lorena Craig -- Missing Since April 9th, 1982

Missing Person: Ann Lorena Craig

Details from a government source (might be paraphrased): Ann Lorena Craig was last seen talking to 2 men in Quincy at Cinder Park on 4-9-82 (approximate) and never picked up a Social Security check after that. The 2 men were believed to be in a blue Ford truck.

Last contact: April 9th, 1982 (Friday) (date is considered approximate)
Last Seen: In Quincy, Illinois at Cinder Park. The best I could find for a location of this park was somewhere near 24th and Oak Street in Quincy. 
Age when Ann Lorena Craig disappeared: 49
Sex: Female
Height in inches: 62
Weight in pounds (lbs): 90
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Scar or distinctive characteristic: Nothing
Link to government source:

BMI means body mass index. It is meant to describe someone's healthy body weight relative to their height. It is food for thought as to how someone may have looked. However, it is meant as a guide only and does not account for all body types. 

Ann Lorena Craig had a BMI of 16.46. Ann Lorena Craig was UNDERWEIGHT by BMI standards at the time of her disappearance. 

Commentary and Research

By: Shane Lambert

I didn't find a missing person's report in online journalism. Furthermore, "Cinder Park" didn't appear anywhere in relation to Quincy, Illinois. I do wonder if the name of the park is wrong or no longer used. But it may be near 24th street and Oak Street. I did reach out to some online citizens who resided in Quincy long term to see if they were familiar with the name of the park or its location.

There was not a lot of information available on Ann Craig's disappearance. Online information only duplicated what NamUs provided. I would think someone would have to look at her family tree and find a relative who was willing to expand the details.


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