Juanita Migwans -- Missing Since October 4th, 2024

Missing Person: Juanita Migwans
Nickname or Alias: Winnie

Details from a government source (might be paraphrased): Juanita Migwans was last seen on October 4th, 2024, on Riverside Drive in the First Nation of M'Chiqueeng, Ontario. Juanita lost her cell phone and bank card, the last banking activity was on September 25th, 2024. Her family and friends are concerned for her well-being as she hasn't been heard from.

Last contact: October 4th, 2024 (Friday)
Last location: M'Chigeeng First Nation, Ontario, on Manitoulin Island
Age when Juanita Migwans disappeared: 30
Sex: Female
Height in inches: 66
Weight in pounds (lbs): 110 lbs, described as thin or slender, and looks petite in her photos. She would be underweight by BMI standards.
Ethnicity: Indigenous. Pale to slightly swarthy appearance in photos.
Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women: Click the hashtag at the end of this webpage to see all of the missing aboriginal women in Canada who are profiled at this website
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Scar or distinctive characteristic: Tattoos (1) Left Foot, A bird carrying a ribbon with text "THIS TOO SHALL PASS" (2) Left Ankle, A heart.
Link to Government Source: 2024054239 (right click to open) 
Websleuths discussion page: Juanita Migwans (right click to open) 
Clothing: Dark-colored pants, light-colored jacket, dark shirt, 
DOB: December 18th, 1993

Commentary and Research

: Shane Lambert
Original time of writing: January 31st, 2024 

Has Juanita Migwans been found?

Juanita Migwans went missing on October 4th, 2024. As of January 31st, 2025, she remains missing. 

In recent news at the time of writing, there was a significant reward related to her case. According to a recent CTV News article, "The Ontario Government is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the disappearance of Juanita Migwans as United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin Police Service Commission (UCCM Police) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) continue their search efforts."

The way the above quotation reads, it sounds as though foul play is suspected. But in a more official statement, the police said foul play was not ruled out.

Juanita Migwans went missing from an Indian reserve on Manitoulin Island. This island stands out as the largest island in the world that is in a lake (Lake Huron).

She was last seen on Riverside Drive on the reserve. This is a short segment of roadway. It's not clear what time of day she was last seen or which direction she was heading by the news coverage.

What stands out with this case, is she did not have a phone, bank card, or ID with her when she disappeared. This has some implications. For instance, it would imply that she was not planning on leaving Manitoulin Island. She did not do any banking transactions since September 25th, 2024, which was nine days before her last sighting.

There was a previous sighting of her that has been reported in some sources. Some early sources back in November state that she was last seen on October 2nd, 2024 at 10:30am at the intersetion of Highway 551 and Oakhill Drive. The latter citing, of October 4th, has been described as a phone call. However, someone presumptively laid eyes on her.

There is a social media source that states that she was involved in a court case. 

Questions I have for this case:

What time of day was she last seen?
Which direction was she walking?
Was her October 4th sighting a real sighting or a phone conversation?
What was the court case about?


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