Lawrence Anthony Feeley -- Missing Since August 1st, 1975

Missing Person: Lawrence Anthony Feeley

Details from a government source (might be paraphrased): "Feeley was last heard from on August 1st, 1975, by his sister. Feeley was living in Hollywood at the time."

Last contact: August 1st, 1975 (Friday)
Profession: He may have been employed in a position related to religion.
Age when Lawrence Anthony Feeley disappeared: 25
Birthdate: I think he was born July 19th, 1950 as per the snipped article below, which references his 11th birthday on July 19th, 1961.

July 27th, 1961. Page 6. The Signal.

Sex: Male
Height in inches: 68
Weight in pounds (lbs): 140
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Scar or distinctive characteristic: Birthmark on chest
Link to government source:

Commentary and Research

By: Shane Lambert

Has Lawrence Anthony Feeley been found?

I did some research on this case tonight. There were not many hits in the newspaper database I use. However, I think I found information on this person's address and the names of close family members, if anyone needs it for further research then use the newspapers below.

Lawrence Anthony Feeley's name appeared as an exact match in June 25th, 1964 edition of The Signal (snipped below). It appeared as though he had graduated from junior high or middle school as the article noted that he was about to enter high school.

Thousand Oaks Star. Nov. 23, 1970. Page 4.

In the following newspaper clipping, I do think that I found his birth notice in the newspaper. Note that the father's name is spelled "Laurence" in this source. It's derivations like this (ie. Larry, Lawrence, Laurence) that can make keyword searching in newpaper databases difficult. That's especially the case when you have to decide whether to use a middle name, middle initial, and/or last name. Numerous different combinations arise in these cases. But anyone working on this case might find the address that Lawrence Anthony Feeley was born into handy (5841 Colfax Avenue, North Hollywood).

If there is journalism that pertained to this missing person's case, then it evaded my search terms tonight. I used on January 8th, 2025 and worth a look into further as more newspapers are added.

Attempt to Match

I would say that the closest match in NamUS would UP4441. This is an individual who had brown hair, was thought to be between 20-35 years old, and was found in Los Angeles County. This unidentified individual also matches the height fairly closely (one inch) and was thought to have died as early as 1976. There are some discrepancies but it's worth looking at closer, I think.


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