Sandra Faye Thompson Missing: Jacksonville, Florida Woman Vanishes in 1984 (Attempt to Match)

Missing Person: Sandra Faye Thompson

Notes on the pictures:

I have to say that these pictures do not look like the same person to me. I feel that way even if the black and white photo is from high school and the color photo is up to eight years later. However, there are no notes at NamUs suggesting that they are different people. The details for the case are sparse as well.

Details from a government source (might be paraphrased): Sandra was last seen in Florida on July 2nd, 1984.

Last contact: July 2nd, 1984 (Monday)
Last location: Jacksonville, Florida
Age when Sandra Faye Thompson disappeared: 26
Date of birth: February 13th, 1958
Sex: Female
Height in inches: 65 (approximation, often averaged from ranges)
Weight in pounds (lbs): 100 (approximation, often averaged from ranges)
BMI: 16.6 - Underweight (calculated to help picture what Sandra might have looked like)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair color: Black - Straight, thick blackish brown hair
Eye Color: Brown
Link to Government Source: NamUs (right-click to open)

Websleuths discussion page: Sandra Faye Thompson (right-click to open)

Unraveling the Mystery: Key Insights and Updates

By: Shane Lambert
Original time of writing: March 11th, 2025

Has Sandra Faye Thompson been found?

The Websleuths community has kept Sandra’s case alive, with discussions dating back to 2016, without their activity, there would not be much available online to read about this missing person. There is speculation online about a possible connection to unidentified remains, such as UP116037, covered here at MPC. This is a Jane Doe discovered in Palm Bay, Florida, in January 1985, though no definitive link has been established.

Points Comparing Sandra Faye Thompson to UP116037 (Attempt to Match)

Websleuths Username: SimsGuy67, to my knowledge, associated the cases first.

Geographical Proximity: Sandra disappeared from Jacksonville, Florida, while UP116037 was found in Palm Bay, Florida, about 150 miles apart, both within the same state.

Timeline Alignment: Sandra went missing on July 2, 1984, and UP116037 was discovered on January 17, 1985, a gap of roughly 6.5 months, which matches UP116037’s estimated PMI of 6 months. This suggests the unidentified individual may have died around mid-1984, which is almost to the day when Sandra disappeared.

Age Range: Sandra was 26 years old at the time of her disappearance, fitting squarely within UP116037’s estimated age range of 24-28 years.

Height: Sandra’s height was 5'5" (65 inches), slightly above UP116037’s estimated range of 5'2" to 5'4" (62-64 inches), but within a reasonable margin of error for skeletal estimates.

Weight: Sandra weighed 100 lbs, aligning closely with UP116037’s estimated weight of 95-105 lbs, indicating a similar slender build.

Race/Ethnicity: Both Sandra and UP116037 are classified as White/Caucasian, supporting a potential match

Is there some kind of alignment between the UP and the MP in a more abstract way? The body seems to have been a body dump. Somehow, that's consistent with the MP having dangerous associations, as suggested at the Websleuths forum. However, the chart below sticks to more convincing points of comparison.

Criteria Sandra Faye Thompson UP116037 Match? Explanation
Geographical Proximity Jacksonville, Florida Palm Bay, Florida (150 miles) ✅ Both locations are in Florida, 150 miles apart, a reasonable distance for a potential connection.
Timeline Alignment Missing: July 2, 1984 Found: Jan 17, 1985 (PMI: 6 mo) ✅ 6.5-month gap matches the 6-month PMI, suggesting death around mid-1984, aligning with Sandra’s disappearance.
Age Range 26 years old 24-28 years ✅ Sandra’s age of 26 fits within UP116037’s estimated range of 24-28 years.
Height 5'5" (65 inches) 5'2"-5'4" (62-64 inches) ✅ Sandra’s height is slightly above the range but within a reasonable margin for skeletal estimates.
Weight 100 lbs 95-105 lbs ✅ Sandra’s weight of 100 lbs falls directly within UP116037’s estimated range of 95-105 lbs.
Race/Ethnicity White/Caucasian White/Caucasian ✅ Both are classified as White/Caucasian, supporting a potential match.


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