Unidentified Woman 1979 Vista CA: Who Was HHW? Or is it Maria? - NamUs #UP99440
Unidentified Person / NamUs #UP99440
Female, Hispanic / Latino
Date Body Found: May 17, 1979
Location Found: Vista, Californi
Estimated Age Range: 35-45 Years
Birthdate estimate: The person’s birthdate would fall between May 18th, 1933, and May 17th, 1944 based on the date range and the date of death.
Biological Sex: Female
Race / Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino
Possible First Name: Maria
Estimated Age Group: Adult - Pre 50
Estimated Age Range (Years): 35-45
Estimated Year of Death: 1979
Height: 5' 1" (61 inches), Measured
Weight: 123 lbs, Measured
BMI: 23.2, meaning she would have looked petite to average
Date Body Found: May 17, 1979
NamUs Case Created: January 22, 2023
Location: Vista, California 92084
County: San Diego County
Circumstances of Recovery: The decedent had been a passenger in a 1969 Ford station wagon travelling westbound on Gopher Canyon Rd., when at .4 miles west of Interstate Route 15 in Vista, the driver of the vehicle apparently lost control, ran off the north side of the road, and overturned down an embankment. The decedent had been ejected from the vehicle and was found approx. 50 feet from the vehicle.
Approximate Location of the Crash: 33.251798502226556, -117.21709638283122
Physical Description
Hair Color: Black
Left Eye Color: Brown
Right Eye Color: Brown
Clothing and Accessories
Item: Jewelry
Description: There was a white-metal ring (band) on the third finger of the right hand. A yellow-metal ring (band) with star-like engraving around the outside of the ring and initials HHW, engraved inside the ring.
Commentary, By Shane Lambert
I had a look at this Jane Doe for a little while tonight. My focus was on the initials HHW and a missing persons report anywhere that matched those initials in respect to the dates.
One thing that stood out to me is that NamUs said that the Jane Doe's name might be Maria. However, that would not match HHW, the initials on the ring. However, there is a chance that the initials belonged to her husband. As soon as you start dealing with situations like that, the volume or search terms to use in various databases start getting immense.
Complicating the matter, I also considered the chance that the initials were read upside down. In that case, they would become MHH. Interesting enough, the M would match Maria in that case but then this is a speculative tangent.
I used quite a lot of search terms on the Jane Doe, using the clues in her file. None of them turned up a thing. Furthermore, I did not find a report of a car accident on Gopher Canyon Road on the date in question. This means that this car accident was not reported on or the report has been not been digitized yet. Feel free to look for the news regarding this accident or for missing people matching the recommended initials. Digital records do get updated constantly.
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