Bethany Anne Sinclair -- Missing Since February 2001

Details from NamUs**

Bethany and her mother, Tina M. Sinclair, have not been seen since February 3, 2001. Bethany has a U-shaped scar on her head and may be wearing a crucifix pendant around her neck. She may also wear glasses. Tina has a tattoo on her ankle.

Missing Person: Bethany Anne Sinclair
Also known as: Beth, Bethany Deuso
Last-contact date: February 3rd, 2001
The area where the MP was last seen: West Chesterfield, New Hampshire

Link to government source: NamUs #MP2361


Ethnicity: White
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 15 years old
Birthdate: between February 4th, 1985 and February 3rd, 1986
  • When the birthdate isn't known, I calculate a range using the age at the date of the missing person's disappearance.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Scar: Bethany has a U-shaped scar on her head
Height/weight: 5-foot-2 and 120 pounds
BMI*: Bethany Anne Sinclair was in the normal range for BMI.
  • BMI is body mass index. It relates to an individual's height and weight. I include it believing it can help picture what a missing person looked like or it may help another writer in describing one.
Bethany Anne Sinclair has not been seen since February 3rd, 2001 when she was 15 years old.
She has now been missing for 20 years as of the original publication date of this blog post.

Bethany Anne Sinclair went missing at the same time as her mother, Tina Marie Sinclair. These two people were considered likely to be dead shortly after their disappearances. That much was stated explicitly in some media sources, like The Brattleboro Reformer out of Vermont.

Wed, Feb 4, 2004 – 9 · The Brattleboro Reformer (Brattleboro, Vermont) ·

There was a report of a strange phone call in this case. A female phoned Bethany's high school and claimed that she was sick but the call was not traceable, nor did the caller leave a name.

Fri, Feb 16, 2001 – 8 · The Brattleboro Reformer (Brattleboro, Vermont) ·

Bethany went missing as an adolescent and that's important if there are ever dental comparisons done between her and a Jane Doe. People in puberty have teeth that go through changes and perfect matches might not happen for all teeth.

This is also an individual that has now been missing for several years. One has to be careful when considering distinctive physical traits as some of these might change over the years. If she died shortly after her disappearance, then the U-shaped scar that she had on her head would not likely be an identifier. However, a Jane Doe that is found that is associated with a crucifix pendant would be a candidate for comparison. Bethany's disappearance has also been mentioned in conjunction with the Connecticut River.

If you are interested in reading some of the details surrounding the investigation of this case, then I recommend the following: NCMissingPersons. If you know where this person might be or have any information on this case, then please contact the authorities. In Canada, look for Canada's Missing website with the Federal government. In the USA, you can look for the NamUs profile. Conversely, you can post a remark to this article.

Author: Shane Lambert
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.
Shane Lambert is not a Private Investigator, however, he is currently studying to be one as of February 2021.
Website hashtag: #MPCSL

*For BMI values, I use the UPPER or HIGHER ranges that are given for height and weight.
**Text might be paraphrased. If taken verbatim, then grammar or spelling errors are not necessarily corrected from original sources.
Disclaimer: Information posted is thought to be correct as of the time posting.


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