Kay Vernice Deller -- Missing Since February 1998

Missing Person: Kay Vernice Deller
Alias: Kay Bernice Deller
Last-contact date: February 5th, 1998
Area MP was last seen: Las Vegas, Nevada

No photo: You can try to find a photo of this individual at Ancestry.com or at Newspapers.com
Link to government source: #MP21774

Ethnicity: White
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 37 years old
Birthdate: between February 6th, 1960 and February 5th, 1961
Hair details: Black
Eye details: Brown; wore corrective lenses or glasses
Height/weight: 5-foot-3 and 80 to 85 pounds

Details from NamUs: "Per family, the M/P last lived in Las Vegas. She has not been heard from or seen by family since DLC."

Kay Vernice Deller remains missing as of the time of publication. When Kay disappeared, she was of the Las Vegas, Nevada area.

What stands out with this case, is that the individual had a distinctive scar on her right leg from her upper thigh to her knee. Other details include that she was last heard from via telephone. It may be that this last-contact date was via this telephone call. It would be interesting to know what the details of this conversation were. 

Kay was a diminutive individual at 5'3" and just 80 to 85 pounds. If skeletal remains were found, it's possible that they may be mistaken as a child's or an adolescent's.

Kay Vernice Deller had a strange alias at NamUs. It was "Kay Bernice Deller." Bernice is a more common name than Verdice in my opinion. Websleuths or amateurs working on this case will need to be aware of both middle names. I will note that "B" and "V" are adjacent on standard keyboards and I do wonder if the potential for a keystroking error may be factoring into this.

I did find a same-named individual with links to the Las Vegas area who was born December 15th, 1960. This individual was "Kay V Deller" at Ancestry.com. I couldn't absolutely authenticate them to be the same person, however, the birthdate fits the range for the MP based on her age at the time of her disappearance. Also, the person at Ancestry had a Las Vegas address. It's not clear what exactly this means but anyone working on this case further look into it. 

If this person has been found, then we would want to remove her profile from NamUs so as to make the process of finding missing people more efficient. That said, her NamUs page was looked at recently as I noted a last-modified date from August 24th, 2020 -- meaning someone looked at the age at that time.

AuthorShane Lambert (Facebook profile)
Facebook GroupMissing Person Commentary
Twitter@UncoolNegated (Twitter)
PinterestMissing Person Board
Original Time of Writing: February 20th, 2021

All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.
I am not a Private Investigator, however, I am currently studying to be one as of February 2021.
Website hashtag: #MPCSL


  1. Her name is Kay Vernice Deller. Vernice is her grandmothers name.


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