Patrick N. Chapman -- Missing in Missouri Since May 2020

Missing person: Patrick N. Chapman
Last-contact date: May 1st, 2020 as per NamUs; another source says May 10th, 2020
Disappeared from: Greenville, Missouri but car found near Mill Spring, Missouri

Link to Government Source: #MP70614
NamUs description: "Patrick was last seen in the Greenville, Missouri area on 5/1/2020. His vehicle, a burgundy color 1995 Ford Escort, was also missing at the time. The vehicle was later recovered on 5/29/2020 in Mill Spring, Missouri." 

Ethnicity/Race: White
Sex: Male
Age at time of disappearance: 34 years old
Birthdate: February 24th, 1986
Hair: Brown, may have a beard
Eye color: Brown
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 5'6" and 160 pounds
Tattoos: "Chapman" on right forearm, sun between shoulder blades, cross on shoulder
Vehicle: He was driving a burgundy 1995 Ford Escort (station-wagon style). "His car was discovered weeks after his disappearance on a gravel road not too far from the Mill Spring Cemetery" (Wayne County Journal Banner).
  1. May or may not have had a necklace with a wisdom tree on it.
  2. May have had sunglasses.
  3. Possibly wearing blue work pants, black boots, and a black and white woven pullover. Was known to wear a ball cap.

AuthorShane Lambert (Facebook profile)
Facebook GroupMissing Person Commentary
Twitter@UncoolNegated (Twitter)
PinterestMissing Person Board
Original Time of Writing: February 15th, 2021

All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.
I am not a Private Investigator, however, I am currently studying to be one as of February 2021.
Website hashtag: #MPCSL 


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