Shaliegh Sharrie Phillips -- Missing Since February 1988

Missing Person: Shaliegh Sharrie Phillips
Last-contact date: February 12th, 1988
Area last seen: San Diego, California

Link to government source: NamUs #MP6525

Ethnicity: White
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 12 years old
Birthdate: December 22nd, 1975 (according to an Ancestry page I found)
Hair details: blonde/strawberry
Eye details: brown
Height/weight: 5-foot-7 and 110 pounds
Details as per NamUs: "Shaliegh was last seen on February 12, 1988. She may be in the El Cajon, California area."

Shaliegh Sharrie Phillips has not been seen or heard from since the 12th of February in 1988 when she was 12. When Shaliegh disappeared, she was of the San Diego area in southern California.

What stands out with this case, is the fact that Shaliegh had feet that were of different sizes. It was reported in NamUs that she had to purchase differently-sized shoes for each of her feet. That might be a clue if you come across that abnormality with a Jane Doe.

Also, at the time of her disappearance, she was thought to be wearing a pink sweater and Levis-brand jeans. These clothing items may be associated with a matching Jane Doe. 

NamUs associated this missing person with the El Cajon area of California. That is about 15 miles to the east of San Diego in a slightly northern direction.


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