Terri Ann Blue -- Missing From Fayetteville, North Carolina?

Alleged Missing Person: Terri Ann Blue
Alias: Terry
Last-contact date: June 27th, 2007
The area where the MP was last seen: Fayetteville, North Carolina near the intersection of Murchison and Preston (source: CharleyProject).

Link to government source: NamUs #MP7999


Ethnicity: White
: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 47 years old
Birthdate: June 1960
Hair: Brown/red
Eyes: Blue
Scar: None known
Height/weight: 5-foot-5 and 155 pounds
BMI*: The missing person was overweight by BMI at the time of the last contact.
  • Please, Google-search BMI if you aren't familiar with the phrase. I think it's an important tool to be aware of when working on missing person cases.
Terri Ann Blue, an alleged missing person, was last heard from on June 27th, 2007 when she was 47 years old. She has now allegedly been missing for 14 years as of the original publication date of this blog post.

What stands out with this case is that, at the time of publication, it was the oldest case in NamUs in terms of update-sorting for females. There are, in fact, much older cases outright, however, this person's NamUs profile had not been updated since January 11th, 2011 at the time of publication. I am taking that to mean that this case is very cold from some points of view or perhaps there is a different reason for that.

The description with NamUs was basically non-existent. It simply restated her last-seen date, however, even that was incorrect as it stated the wrong year.

I am confident that I found this person documented in Ancestry. Her maiden name was Terri Ann Dubose. I don't post addresses, however, Ancestry had addresses listed after her disappearance date. It's not clear what that means because it's not clear what triggers an address being listed with Ancestry. However, I submitted the addresses to her NamUs contact in hopes that it generates leads.

If someone that knew her personally can contact the site indicating that she is still missing that would be appreciated. You can post comments after the article for follow-up.

I don't recommend spending a lot of time working on this case. It's a strange one in the sense that no one seems to be paying attention to it on NamUs, I didn't find a Facebook group dedicated to finding her, and nor did I find any news links.

If you want to read a related article at this site, then please click the hashtag below that interests you.

Author: Shane Lambert
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.
Shane Lambert is not a Private Investigator, however, he is currently studying to be one as of February 2021.
Website hashtag: #MPCSL

*For BMI values, I use the UPPER or HIGHER ranges that are given for height and weight.
**Text might be paraphrased. If taken verbatim, then grammar or spelling errors are not necessarily corrected from original sources.

Disclaimer: Whenever possible, government sources are preferred for getting the details of a missing person. However, any source that the article writer deems reputable may be used. Writer assumes no responsibility when government sources are wrong.


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