Chelsea Anne Rasmussen -- Missing Since February 2020


Missing person: Chelsea Anne Rasmussen
Aliases: Leslie Widley, Leilani Guiterrez, Meredith Boone, Corrine Harst
Last-contact date: February 19th, 2020; other sources say earlier date (see poster)
Disappeared from: Dublin, California

Link to Government Source: NamUs #MP77668
NamUs description: "Chelsea was last known to be in Dublin, California on February 19, 2020. She is known to spend time in Dublin, Rohnert Park, Pacifica and San Francisco and may be living a transient lifestyle and in need of medical attention."

: White
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 31 years old
Hair: Brown; called pink by one source
Eye color: Hazel; may wear glasses or have contact lenses
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 5'6" and 120 to 135 pounds
Tattoos: woman's head on each hand, red hibiscus flower on her foot, a green-skull on her shoulder, angel wings on her back, sun face on her lower abdomen; possibly more.

This was not a case where I was able to find much information on the missing person. I didn't find a news article online or in the newspaper archives at There seemed to be some people active in social media looking for her, however, I did not find a proper Facebook group. If you want to read a conversation about this missing person, then go to this link: exits to Facebook.

There were some contradictions with this missing person's information. Specifically, her poster claims that she has been missing since December 2019. However, her NamUs profile specifies a different date. Whenever I come across a situation where details are contradicting, it makes me think that no one is really taking charge of the effort.

It's not really clear who exactly is the last verified person to see her and where. The poster above says she was last seen in the San Francisco area and Tenderloin is mentioned. That is an ominous neighborhood that's well known for crime and antisocial behavior.

AuthorShane Lambert (Facebook profile)
Facebook GroupMissing Person Commentary
Twitter@UncoolNegated (Twitter)
PinterestMissing Person Board
Original Time of Writing: February 15th, 2021

All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.
I am not a Private Investigator, however, I am currently studying to be one as of February 2021.
Website hashtag: #MPCSL


  1. I remember meeting her mom, I was panhandling and she gave me some money and she told me about her daughter, I feel so bad for her and I wish I could do something for her, with all my power, I still think about it, I'm so sorry


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