Abigail Patrice Andrews -- Missing From Fort St. John Since April 2010

Author: Shane Lambert
Original Time of Writing: January 10th, 2021
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.

Missing person: Abigail Patrice Andrews
Last-seen date: Evening-time on April 7th, 2010 (Wednesday)
Last-seen location: She was last seen in Fort St. John's walking from her apartment on 99th avenue toward a friend's house on 98th avenue; she used 94th street
Link to Government Source: Canada's Missing 2013000114
Ethnicity/Race: White looking but was Metis (mixed aboriginal and white)
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 28 years old (b. 1982)    
Hair: Brown/dark brown, shoulder-length/long
Eye color: Hazel
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 6'0" and 201 lbs
Personal effects: Pink blackberry cellular, GUESS brand purse that was leather and purple/lavender/mauve
Other: she was about three months pregnant at the time of her disappearance but not yet showing
Tattoo: Lower Back, Tribal Art
Foreign Object: Chest, Surgical implants (serial numbers available)
Deformity: Right Index Finger, Previously broken and healed in a deformed position
Teeth: Good, used a dental-pallet retainer

Abigail Patrice Andrews went missing on April 7th, 2010 in Fort St. John, a small city in central BC but closer to the Alberta side of the province. Her brother received text messages on the night of her disappearance but those that knew her did not think that the messages came from her. There's a suggestion in this case, that someone was in control of her telephone and sent out communications in order to befuddle the facts of her disappearance.

In journalism that is very early for this missing person's case, Abigail Patrice Andrews is considered dead. Her family reported her missing to the police on April 9th. In the snipping below, the "Andrews" that is cited is her father. Mr. Andrews also said that the people she associated with lead to her downfall. The two places she worked, according to her profile at Canada's Missing, were FSJ Fashions and The Frontier Bar and Grill. Mr. Andrews did not seem to think that the latter was a healthy environment.

Wed, Apr 14, 2010 – 11 · The Province (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) · Newspapers.com

The RCMP searched the landfill for her remains, according to an April 15th, 2010 article in The Province. They did not name a suspect at that time but the father, in particular, seemed to think there was only one. In news from 2013, I did find that the RCMP had a suspect but he was not named.

Thu, Apr 15, 2010 – 16 · The Province (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) Â· Newspapers.com

A re-enactment was performed in 2013. It doesn't show much except an actress walking on the street. However, it provides a backdrop for the discussion of the case with family members and RCMP making statements in the Youtube video.


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