Lucille Mae Grenz -- Missing Since March of 1962

AuthorShane Lambert (link opens to my Facebook profile)
Twitter@UncoolNegated (link to Twitter)
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.
Original Time of Writing: January 28th, 2021

Missing person: Lucille May Grenz
Last-contact date: March 30th, 1962
Disappeared from: Toledo, Oregon at her home. The address appears to have been 134 NW 6th street.

Link to Government Source: #MP28805

Ethnicity/Race: White
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 40 years old
Birthdate: Between March 31st, 1921 and March 30th, 1922*
Hair: Red
Eye color: Blue
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 5'1" and 110 pounds
*If NamUs's details are right based on the age of her last contact

Chances of being found alive: virtually zero based on her age, that she has not been seen or heard from in nearly 60 years, and the circumstances surrounding her disappearance suggest that she was in mortal danger when she disappeared

This article started out as a photo search, however, this individual has a nice forum at Websleuths. Users there found the photo above using One person at the Websleuths forum indicated that Lucille had been married 8 times. This person identified as Lucille May Grenz's granddaughter.

This excerpt was a memorable one from the newspaper articles I read:

Wed, Oct 31, 1962 – 9 · The Capital Journal (Salem, Oregon) ·

If you read the article above, you may have noted the odd details about what was missing. It's not surprising when someone goes missing with their clothes. However, what does it mean when someone goes missing along with her mattress and drapes?

The most intuitive answer, in my opinion, is that the bedroom was a murder scene or, at least, a crime scene. The individual responsible for disappearing Lucille Mae Grenz may have perceived a benefit in taking some of her clothes, her mattress, and drapes as well. It could be that these items had blood on them but it should be noted that, in 1962, DNA was still decades away from being a legal thing. A criminal would not have this concern in his mind.

However, I think we might assume that this individual still perceived some kind of benefit in taking these items from the crime scene. That said, there was a seven-week gap between her disappearance and the discovery of the disarrayed room. That gap is a disgrace in my opinion but perhaps that's another matter.

When I assess this scene and try to brainstorm what could have happened this is what I think:
  • Lucille Mae Grenz went to her and placed her nightclothes on her mattress;
  • She was attacked there and that's where the blood came from;
  • The attacker put her on the mattress, perhaps to rape her;
  • Then he wrapped her dead body in the drapes and around the mattress, which could have been thin for easier transportation of the body;
  • The mattress and drapes, thus, were for concealment and even absorption of blood which the killer did not want in his vehicle.
This person might be wrapped in the mattress and drapes still in a secluded area. Conversely, this body might have gone to the dump. If the latter is the case, then it's likely she will be missing for all time.

The address of 134 NW 6th St, Toledo, Oregon is mentioned as Grenz's address when she went missing. My research on this address indicates that another last name besides Grenz was present in the household. I have full names in my notes if anyone working on this, as opposed to just reading, wants to private message me. Twitter or Facebook can be used for that.


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