Jane Doe in Des Moines, Iowa Since May 26th, 1980

Author: Shane Lambert
Time of publication: January 10th, 2021

Thu, May 29, 1980 – 3 · Des Moines Tribune (Des Moines, Iowa) · Newspapers.com

Government source and link: NamUs #UP10846

Sex: Female
Race: White
Age: 19 to 25 years old, estimated
Year of death: 1980, estimated
Height and weight: no estimate provided for weight; journalism from 1980 says she was 5'5" to 5'8"
Body found: May 26th, 1980; estimated to have been there about five months or less
Location: Des Moines River, southeast Des Moines, Iowa; south of Carlisle Road near Hubbell Park
Hair: maybe red, not sure
Eyes: not sure
Other: deformity, severe lumbar curvature at L5
Clothing: close to the body a tube top was found (not really summer clothes which might be a clue that this Jane Doe went missing in the winter); also a ring and cross necklace and hairpins

On May 26th, 1980, Maynard David Jr., his younger brother, and Rick Kimmel were walking in the area of Hubbell Park in southeast Des Moines, Iowa. They were taking their dogs to some water in a wooded area when one in their party thought that he saw a skull. It turned out to be the Jane Doe with the details above. A bullet was found near the body.

Tue, May 27, 1980 – 8 · Des Moines Tribune (Des Moines, Iowa) · Newspapers.com

Candidates for ruling out

I have not yet looked at the following cases too closely. However, they are cases that other amateurs or Websleuths might do some research on for this Jane Doe as any one case might be a match.
  • Brenda Sue Black went missing sometime in 1980. Her NamUs profile says she was last heard from on January 1st of that year. However, last-contact dates of January 1st often mean that they don't know what time of year she went missing and just filled in the first day of the year to fill in the data fields. Black is in the height range, she is the right race, she is the right sex, and the right year. There's a remark at NamUs that this person was moving from Ohio to California and that might go through Iowa. No mention of the jewelry.
  • Other pending.


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