Ted Bundy, His Timeline, and Sotria Kritsonis' news -- Filling in a Gap

Author: Shane Lambert

Who really knows how many people convicted killer Ted (Theodore) Bundy disappeared? Conventionally, when he is looked at the number of victims that is mentioned is in the 30s. However, there could be scores more. Accordingly, his timeline is important to be aware of when it comes to missing person's cases.

The timeline for Bundy's life was looked at a number of years ago. the US Department of Justice commissioned the Ted Bundy Multiagency Investigative Team Report 1992. At the time it was called an "exhaustive documentation of Bundy's activities...in the hopes that Bundy's suspected participation in crimes other than those he confessed to can be clarified" (from the report's "Director's Comments).

The full report can be found here: Ted Bundy's Timeline (if the link goes bad, comment and I can email you a copy of the report). It contains major events in his criminal career, such as the time and places of his known abductions. Furthermore, it contains banal day-to-day events -- like where he bought gas. 

In 2018 there was a news story from Kiro 7 News in the Seattle area. The topic of the story was a woman's recounting of an experience with Ted Bundy. She was named Sotria Kritsonis and the news piece is below.

Although it contains information regarding Bundy's double-abduction day at Lake Sammamish, there is information that was fresh as of 2018 and it could also be added to the Ted Bundy Multiagency Investigative Team Report 1992. Please, take a few minutes to review the video, feeling free to skip the parts about Lake Sammamish.

The news piece does not contain complete information. The exact date of Bundy's and Kritsonis's encounter is not mentioned, nor is the exact address. However, the time frame in question can be deduced, the location can be found, and certain other important probably-true assumptions can be made.

The time frame in question was described as the winter of 1972 in the news piece. That did make me wonder if we were talking about the late months in 1972 or the early ones. Technically, winter starts on December 21st and goes to March 20th so, as the only season that covers two separate calendar years, there's a bit of question as to what someone means when they say "winter of 1972."

In answering that, I think the story that Sotria Kritsonis is telling is for some time in the months of January, February, or March of that year. The news piece says that she was 22 at the time. At the tail end of 1972, she would have been 23 by my research.

Thus, the time frame in question is January to March of 1972 and that's actually an empty spot for Ted Bundy in the Ted Bundy Multiagency Investigative Team Report 1992. See the snipping below of that report which shows an entry on New Year's Eve of 1971 and then no entry until April 15th, 1972. The encounter between Bundy and Kritsonis appears to be somewhere in that gap and if we take her accounting as true, then it shows that he was active during this unknown period.

The location of Kritsonis's abduction would have been near the intersection of Rainier Avenue South and Orcas Street. The following still, taken from the Youtube video, shows her walking south on what would be the west side of Rainier Avenue South. She says she encountered Bundy at a place very near the point in the still below.

If we take everything she says as true, then there's something important to note. Bundy did not just happen upon her and offer her a ride. Kritsonis made a statement that would suggest that Bundy was familiar with her changing hairstyle. That suggests a degree of stalker behavior or it could just be that he saw her at the bus stop on many different occasions. Kritsonis claimed that she cut her hair about a week earlier so that would put Bundy in the area of Rainier Avenue South and Orca Street for a period of at least a week.

The news piece says that Kritsonis saw Bundy on television a year and a half later. It's not really clear what she would have been watching in the summer of 1973 regarding Bundy. Most of his known crimes are from 1974 onward.


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