Isolina Lareal (Photo Search) -- Missing Since July 1999

Author: Shane Lambert 
Original Time of Writing: January 27th, 2021
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.

Missing person: Isolina Lareal or La Real
Alias: Larealcambar (Lareal-cambar?) or Isolina Indira 
Last-contact date: July 30th, 1999
Last-seen location: Broward County, Florida

Link to Government Source: #MP11356

Ethnicity/Race: White
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 32 years old
Born: May 24th, 1967 as per the DoeNetwork
Hair: Blonde/strawberry
Eye color: Brown
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 5'4" and 120 pounds
Clothing: Pink jeans, gray sweater, and black ball cap

My first order for Isolina Lareal was to try and get a photo up for her NamUs profile. She went missing in 1999 and for that time frame, it's unusual for someone not to have pictures with her profile. At the end of my research, I was of the opinion that was not a missing person and her inclusion in the NamUs database might not be appropriate.
  • I found a marriage record for this person in December 2000
  • After researching her spouse and married name, I found what appeared to be evidence of someone (whose age matched) living in Florida
I am not going to publish the addresses and names of relevance. However, my tip to Websleuths and investigators working on this case is to use the aliases provided by NamUs to search at Ancestry and WhitePages. For the time being, this case might not require any work. Please make a comment if you would like an update and I will see your request in the future.


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