Michael Frank Fullerton -- Missing From Seattle Since 1986

Author: Shane Lambert
Original Time of Writing: January 14th, 2021
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.

Missing person: Michael Frank Fullerton
Last-seen date: September 27th, 1986 -- maybe October 2nd, 1986
Last-seen location: Seattle, Washington -- car found abandoned on Capitol Hill
Link to Government Source: NamUs #MP11140
Ethnicity/Race: White
Sex: Male
Age at time of disappearance: 26 years old
Hair: Dark blonde/strawberry; wore a mustache
Eye color: blue
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 6'2" and 185 pounds
Clothing: Street shoes
Other: Scar on one of his wrists; his jaw was cracked and healed in several places.

Michael Frank Fullerton went missing in the fall of 1986 and, make no mistake, he remains missing at the time of writing. He has a grave and that might confuse some of those looking into this case.

However, the grave is a memorial only and does not contain his remains. If you are searching on Find-a-grave and finding the same-name match and same-birth-year match for a grave and think his case is still active by accident, it's not. He's not in the grave at the time of writing.

Michael's vehicle was a silver and black sedan with Washington plates. It was found ten days after he disappeared at Capitol Hill. It's possible that he was seen on October 2nd and the finding of his vehicle would be after that, on October 7th, 1986.

When you read his profile information, you have to wonder if he was depressed: scars on wrists can be a clue to a suicide attempt. That circumstance and the fact that he has not been heard from in what is now 35 years has to make you wonder if finding him will mean finding a John Doe.

On that matter, when it comes to finding Michael, Websleuths and amateur investigators can focus on the details of the jaw area from his profile. In more scientific terms, the jawbones can be called "the mandible." Even after all of this time, if Michael's remains are found then his mandible or jawbone injuries and healings may be detectable in his skeletal remains. The same can't really be assumed regarding his wrist scar. Furthermore, someone looking at his remains might be able to tell that he had injuries to the mandible or jaw in life and these details might end up in his John Doe report. Accordingly, someone familiar with the John Doe reports in the Seattle area should keep the mandible injuries in mind.


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