Elizabeth Camarillo Hernandez (Photo Search) -- Missing Since August 2015

Author: Shane Lambert
Original Time of Writing: January 28th, 2021
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.

This might be a photo of the missing person.

Missing person: Elizabeth Camarillo Hernandez
Last-contact date: August 1st, 2015
Last-seen date: "Elizabeth Camarillo Hernandez was last seen on August 8, 2015" as per NamUs.
Disappeared from: Laredo, Texas

Link to Government Source: #MP32742

Ethnicity/Race: White, Hispanic, Latino
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 31 years old
Birthdate: between August 2nd, 1983 and August 1st 1984
Hair: Brown, light brunette
Eye color: Brown
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 5'0" and 90 to 200 pounds
Commentary: The NamUs description contained the odd phrase: "Weight range estimated to satisfy NamUs minimum requirements." That likely appears to reference the huge weight range that was provided (ie. no one knows what her weight was but they needed something to fill-in the field). 

The first thing I set out to do with this case was find a photo of the missing person, Elizabeth Camarillo Hernandez. I'm not totally sure that I accomplished that but I include a missing person poster below. 

I think NamUs #MP32742 is a Mexican national. There seems to be a missing person effort in both countries for someone named Elizabeth Camarillo Hernandez. Of course, NamUs has their profile but I found a same-named profile at what appears to be a Mexican site that's in Spanish.

I can't speak Spanish but everything seems to match (ie. exact name, age/birthdate). The Mexican poster below seems to say that she was last seen on July 13th, 2015 in Iguala de la Indendenia. NamUs says her last contact was August 1st and her last seen was August 8th. I'm not sure what to make the contradicting dates. If someone who speaks fluent Spanish and English can interpret the poster in the comments than that would be great.


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