Melissa Garrett -- Missing Since August 31st, 2017

Author: Shane Lambert
Original Time of Writing: January 8th, 2021
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.

Missing person: Melissa Roseanne Garrett
Last-seen date: August 31st, 2017 (Thursday); boyfriend claims September 1st, 2017
Last-seen location: Ingleside, Texas (zip code 78362)
Link to Government Source: NamUs #MP62386
Ethnicity/Race: White
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 47-years-old
Hair: Brown, short, and wavy
Eye color: Hazel
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 5'3" to 5'4"/147 to 180 pounds
Other: scar
Clothing: Red long-sleeve top and shorts. She also had a brown suitcase.


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