Kami Luella Vollendroff -- Missing Since November 2001, Thought to be Drowned

Author: Shane Lambert
Original Time of Writing: January 9th. 2021
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.

Mon, Nov 25, 2002 – Page 2 · Statesman Journal (Salem, Oregon) · Newspapers.com

Missing person: Kami Luella Vollendroff
Last-seen date: November 21st, 2001
Last-seen location: Newport, Oregon at what sounds like an oceanview condo of a relative's near Depoe Bay
Link to Government Source: NamUs #MP6781
Ethnicity/Race: White
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 16 years old
Hair: Blonde streaks in hair
Eye color: blue
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 5'7" and 130 lbs
Clothing: black pants and a white sweatshirt

Commentary and opinion

Kami Luella Vollendroff went missing at the same time as her boyfriend, Eugene Hyatt. In the journalism from the time of these two people's disappearance, it was noted that they were going walking beachside in Newport, Oregon at Depoe Bay.

The day in question saw storms in what is an area noted for large waves. It is thought that these two people were lost to the sea when a wave knocked them from a cliff. This was partly thought because an article of clothing thought to be of Eugene's washed up on shore. 

This is not a case that I recommend working on for amateur investigators or Websleuths. Lost at sea quite often means lost for all time.

When people go into the ocean in tumultuous areas, the swell and undertow might dismember their corpses in days. If anything, there is a chance that individual bones might be in the sand around this area. The news from Newport could be scoured for keywords associated with individual bones or body parts found on the beaches of the area, like a mandible.

In situations like these, sometimes people think "What if they ran away." It's important to note that 20 years have now past and there has been no communication from them. Ideas of them disappearing, entering society under different names, doing that successfully, and never thinking to bring closure to their families are too fanciful to accept.

Sun, Nov 25, 2001 – 13 · Longview Daily News (Longview, Washington) · Newspapers.com


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