Lorraine Judith Chance -- Missing Since 1948

Original Time of Writing: January 1st, 2021
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.

Missing person: Lorraine Judith Chance
Last-seen date: January 3rd, 1948
Last-seen location: Sacramento, California (no, the Original Night Stalker wasn't close to active at this time)
NamUs # and Link: #MP22091
Ethnicity/Race: White
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 26 years old
Hair: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 4'11" to 5'5"
Clothing: Maybe size 3.5 high heels
Other: protruding teeth

Recommended Reading on this Case:

"On January 3, 1948 twenty-six-year-old Lorraine 'Lee' Judith Barrie Chance took her daughter Donna to a sitter’s house in Santa Cruz, California with the promise of returning later in the evening. There is no record of where she was headed or with whom (if anyone) she departed. Lee never retrieved her daughter and no one has seen or heard from her since.""


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