Ada R. Pla (Photo Search) -- Missing Since January 1991

Author: Shane Lambert 
Original Time of Writing: January 24th, 2021
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.

Missing person: Ada R. Pla
Last-contact date: January 24th, 1991
Last-contact location: Miami, Florida

Link to Government Source: #MP12417

Ethnicity/Race: White
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 57 years old (born between Jan 25 1933 and Jan 24 1934 if age at time of disappearance is right)
Hair: Red
Eye color: Brown
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 5'1" and 125 pounds
Tattoos: left breast, right breast, upper left arm, and upper right arm
Clothing: none provided
Vehicle: Gray, Florida plates (416BTAV)

Ada R. Pla is part of the no-photo contingent at NamUs. I consider this a contingent of missing people where efforts should be made to find a photo. 

I am of the opinion that for nearly 100% of the missing persons where no photo is included it is likely due to apathy. But given both the effort and resources that are put into developing composite sketches of Jane/John Does, it doesn't make sense to me not to include photos of missing people in their profiles.

How can the sketches of the unidentified dead be compared to missing people without corresponding photos of the missing people? Thus, my initial efforts in Ada Pla's case were simply to find a photo of her -- and that wasn't easy. I've had no success at this point.


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