Angela Green -- Missing in Kansas Since June 2019

Author: Shane Lambert
Original Time of Writing: January 16th, 2021
All articles are subject to editing after the original posting.

Missing person: Angela Green
Last-contact date: June 19, 2019 
Last-seen location: Prairie Village, Kansas -- possibly at the 7600 Block of Tomahawk Road
Link to Government Source: NamUs #MP65746
Ethnicity/Race: Asian
Sex: Female
Age at time of disappearance: 51 years old
Hair: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height and weight at the time of disappearance: 5'9" and 116 pounds

This individual was last seen in June 2019, however, she was not reported missing until eight months later. The daughter of the missing person claimed that she was once told that her mother had died of a stroke in July 2019. Early guesses with this investigation had to do with the husband knowing something or Angela Green fleeing back to her home country of China.

I've wondered if the husband's story might be that she went to China in June and died of a stroke in July. Of course, there should be plenty of evidence to support this account of events if it is what happened or if something similar happened.

My thoughts are that if she did return to China, Websleuths or amateur investigators in North America won't be able to contribute much to this case. Furthermore, the eight-month gap between her disappearance and her discovery creates big problems.

I've also wondered if the height and weight for Angela Green is correct. 116 pounds at 5'9" does not seem to be in a healthy range.

If you are interested in more about this case, then please listen to the following podcasts from


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